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gitlab/cerbero: Do not add tmp files to cerbero-deps tarball

Nirbheek Chauhan requested to merge nirbheek/gst-ci:fix-msvc-regression into master

This is where the WINEPREFIX is now in Cerbero. This used to be share/wine, but was moved to var/tmp/wine for clarity. It was causing two problems:

  1. The size of these generated files are ~1GB, which were ~500MB after tar.gz, and they were completely useless since they can just be regenerated by Wine the next time it's run. Let's not waste egress bandwidth.

  2. Random build failures because wineserver and associated processes would not always exit before we started tarring up the prefix, then write to the directory on exit while tar was reading the directory causing tar -czf to fail:

$ tar -C ${CERBERO_HOME} -czf $CERBERO_DEPS build-tools build-tools.cache dist/${ARCH} ${ARCH}.cache
tar: build-tools/share/wine: file changed as we read it
Uploading artifacts...
manifest.xml: found 1 matching files
cerbero-build/logs: found 461 matching files
cerbero-build/cerbero-deps.log: found 1 matching files
cerbero-deps.tar.gz: found 1 matching files
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok            id=1807197 responseStatus=201 Created token=4_qFUP8z
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

Ignore the branch name, I just wanted to make sure that this was tested with cerbero!434 (merged).

Merge request reports