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msvc: Fix for broken CRT linking at application project because of MSVCRT linking

Seungha Yang requested to merge seungha.yang/cerbero:msvc-prop into main

Current Visual Studio property files are very outdated and should be updated

    msvc: Remove msvcrt.props

    Almost everything in the Visual Studio property file is wrong
    or unnecessary.
    * WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN: Should not be defined globally, but per
      source file defined when needed.
    * Don't force ancient target
    * Global CRT attributes set by us is not a desired configuration,
      but application should consider it by itself
    * DO NOT FORCE MSVCRT: We moved to UCRT a couple of years ago.
      So it will cause linking problem when application calls CRT functions
    msvc: Remove release.props

    It's not referenced at all and unnecessary. Application can configure
    its own properties for release build.
    msvc: Remove Windows Driver Kit SDK dependency

    Just unnecessary
    msvc: Remove unnecessary global defines

    * WINVER/_WIN32_WINNT/_WIN64_WINNT: This must be set by user.
      Don't force ancient target
    * WIN32/WIN64/_WINDOWS/HAVE_WIN32: Why?
    * _USRDLL: Ancient MFC related define. Should be done by user
    msvc: Remove outdated stuff

    We use files under "vs-1.0" directory

cc @nirbheek @ylatuya

Merge request reports