ndk-build: support a multiple architecture build
Fixed issue gst-docs#27 (closed).
This commit is to support a multiple architecture build with 'APP_ABI' of Application.mk file. The recent Adroid NDK tool provides the multiple architecture build as well as a single architecture build.
How to evaluate
$ cd {your_work_dir}/gst-docs/examples/tutorials/android/android-tutorial-1/jni
$ cat ./Application.mk | grep APP_ABI
APP_ABI = armeabi armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64
$ ndk-build (with android-ndk-r16b)
$ tree ../libs/
|-- arm64-v8a
| |-- libc++_shared.so
| |-- libgstreamer_android.so
| `-- libtutorial-1.so
|-- armeabi (Note: It will be deprecated since android-ndk-r18b.)
| |-- libc++_shared.so
| |-- libgstreamer_android.so
| `-- libtutorial-1.so
|-- armeabi-v7a
| |-- libc++_shared.so
| |-- libgstreamer_android.so
| `-- libtutorial-1.so
|-- x86
| |-- libc++_shared.so
| |-- libgstreamer_android.so
| `-- libtutorial-1.so
`-- x86_64
|-- libc++_shared.so
|-- libgstreamer_android.so
`-- libtutorial-1.so
- Self assessment:
- Local test with ndk-build: It's okay.
- Local test with gst-docs (android-tutorial-i{1-5})