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1.22 blocker windows fixes

Nirbheek Chauhan requested to merge nirbheek/cerbero:fix-windows-issues into main
glib.recipe: Fix extract on MSYS2 on Windows

The tarball contains symlinks which bsdtar (from MSYS2) chokes on. Use
the tarfile python module for it.
libtheora.recipe: Do not require C11 for building

We still allow building with VS 2017, so we can't require this.
cerbero: Require build-tools nasm on MSYS2

openssl fails to compile assembly with MSYS2's nasm:

panic: crypto\aes\aesni-sha256-x86_64.asm: assertion cv8_state.source_files != NULL failed at output/codeview.c:515
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\msys64\usr\bin\nasm.EXE' : return code '0x3'
cerbero: Fix gst-plugins-rs build on MSYS2

We no longer use MSYS2's pkg-config, so this setting is incorrect and
causes a build failure.
Edited by Nirbheek Chauhan

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