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  • Nirbheek Chauhan's avatar
    licenses: Fix a couple of licenses and remove unused enums · 24fa8408
    Nirbheek Chauhan authored and Nirbheek Chauhan's avatar Nirbheek Chauhan committed
    freetype: You have to pick between FTL and GPLv2
    frei0r-plugins: It's GPLv2+, not LGPL
    openssl: Obviously, OpenSSL not BSD
    harfbuzz: Actually BSD, not LGPLv2+
    lame: transitioned to LGPL2, no longer GPL
    nettle/gmp: licensed under all three licenses
    osx-framework: No license, just copying of files from other recipes
    gst-shell, vsintegration, etc: Match with gstreamer's license
    toolchain: All LGPLv2+, GPLv2+, or GPLv3+
    other recipes: verified by `diff -uw` on license
    Remove most unused license enums, except Proprietary