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Passrate per test: move the statistics to the table above

Martin Roukala requested to merge passrate_rework into master





Here are all the descriptions:

  • Results missing: Results that we do not use due to being expected/discarded (e.g. skips for missing features) or simply not run (e.g. exceeded time budget or machine crash in earlier tests). The denominator is the amount of results matched by the query (sum of all the runs on all the machines).
  • Results (after discards): Results matched by the query minus the ones the ones not run or discarded by expected issues. The denominator is the amount of kept (i.e. not discarded) results.
  • Aggregated missing results: Amount of tests that had no valid test execution. The denominator is all the unique tests found in the results.
  • Aggregated passrate: Aggregate the results by selecting the worst one for each test found in the raw results. The denominator is all the unique tests found in the results, including all the discarded and notruns.

@ivyl, @gfgermano: Please review :)

Edited by Martin Roukala

Merge request reports