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Commit message addendum for 3b8c5a10

Bret requested to merge bretdavi/cibuglog:gl_doc into master

GitLabs utilization of the Bug/Bugtracker custom_fields is different than in the other trackers, so the distinctions will be noted here.

In the other trackers the custom_fields refer to additional, actual fields that exist in those trackers for bugs. In GitLab the custom_fields refer to GitLab labels, as GitLab currently does not support adding actual fields.

The expectation for using with GitLab is that the label specifies a key value pair. A common syntax for this would be, 'key::value', but is not limited to this syntax as long as the value in GitLab's custom_fields_map represents the key to split on, and there is a subsequent value to parse after that key.

For example, a label such as 'key@value' would work, as long as 'key@' is specified as the field name in the custom_fields_map.

Like the other implementations, these fields in the field map can be used to populate the built in fields in the Bug Model, or will populate the Bug's custom_fields field if not existing built in fields.

Merge request reports