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Review trigger conditions on manual build jobs.

Once a pipeline is created, it isn't triggered automatically. Some build jobs start with the manual state, so they need to be manually triggered. They are grouped under some specific stages, so the conditions to know what should trigger and what not, is clear. It can happen that a misconfiguration delays when a job satisfies the conditions. So, while checking the progress of a pipeline, those conditions will recheck.

It is important to only trigger manual build jobs because sometimes failing test jobs are 'packed to manual' to have them available but not blocking.

Description changed. It was:

Once a (mesa) pipeline is created, some jobs are in manual, some others in created. Those manual jobs are the ones triggered by the tool. The previous behavior was that this was enough to run the tests in the pipeline, but a recent change shows that some build jobs transition from created to manual state.

The required modification is to check if this transition happens in build jobs. So the tool can trigger them when possible.

Edited by Sergi Blanch Torné

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