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Improve procedure logs

Sergi Blanch Torné requested to merge sergi/ci-uprev:improve_logs into main

During an uprev procedure, the uprev could not generate any log-line for a significant time. In this way, during a postmortem study of a failure could be hard to trace what happened and when.

The changes proposed here aim to depict more information about what is happening in the testing and verification pipelines of the uprev to gain better understanding of the process evolution. It logs the state transitions of the jobs as well as a summary containing information about pending jobs. This enables us to detect bottlenecks, such as pipelines that take longer than usual.

Moreover, when there aren't new actions logged for a long period, it is useful to have a heartbeat to show the process is alive and monitoring itself.

Edited by Sergi Blanch Torné

Merge request reports