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Draft: Regression about triggering the verification pipeline in the merge request

Closes #44 (closed)

The piglit uprev has some problems triggering the pipeline of the merge request once the tool has provided a new candidate.

I've seen it working, but also having trouble looking for the merge request pipeline. This issue has motivated the timeout when the tool cannot find this pipeline to trigger for quite some time. There was already an issue opened about this problem #42 (closed)

The source of the problem is the different conditions of the users involved. In the tests made with my user, a Mesa developer, the merge request pipelines are created in "mesa/mesa". But in production, the gfx-ci-bot user has this merge request pipeline in the fork "gfx-ci-bot/mesa". The difference between those two users would be that gfx-ci-bot is not a Mesa developer.

This situation can be fixed in the ci-uprev code.

Merge request reports