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release 0.1.4

Sergi Blanch Torné requested to merge sergi/ci-uprev:development into main

Reduce the use of the GitlabCI variables (to only the gitlab tokens) and use the yml files that we have version control.

Issues aren't created if already exist one of the same time. Append the new info to the existing one.

Merge request tagged with information if there is a previous still open (and the previous is also reported about the newer).

Extended the API for the class tree in charge of know about a pair of 'revision uprev in origin' projects. Also with information about the principal repo of the project to send the MR to the principal instead of a fork (The fork is used for the working branch).

CI and Unknown Issue titles contain both 'origin' and 'revision' project names.

Increase the retries from 1 to 2 to reduce flaky alerts.

Iterator for some of the elements that a gitlab project have to unify the way is used in this tool.

Review the test set and the documentation.

The pytest job is not launched automatically unless it runs from a scheduled pipeline.

Use bump2version for semantic versioning.

Merge request reports