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Draft: WIP: ugly first approach to work with options in artifact names

Sergi Blanch Torné requested to merge sergi/ci-collate:wip_results_csv into main

The results.csv file can be found compressed or plain, and the tool is only looking for the compressed version. This is a bug when we use the tool to collate results on DrmCI because those jobs are only producing the uncompressed results.csv. But in mesa, there are jobs that, after compressing it, uploads both files. Besides this should be fixed in mesa, because it is sending twice the information in two formats, losing the benefit of compressing it, this tool should be smart enough. It must not process both files, when they are present, use only one (preferable the compressed).

This is a shared effort with @vigneshraman, and it shows the ugly minimal changes that may this thing work. We should not change the interface already offered (the prefix */ to trigger the walk in the artifacts) and it should try two options (compressed first, if not found, then the uncompressed). This, without forgetting that it must work as it was with the previous cases.

Edited by Sergi Blanch Torné

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