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mls: Specifiy radio type for individual towers

Guido Günther requested to merge agx/geoclue:lte-radio-type into master

So i was wondering why my location was several 100km off when driving around but sometimes very accurate when i had bad reception (and hence the modem downgraded from 4G to 3G or 2G). Turns out we need to feed the radioType of the cell tower when on 4G:

Mozilla's API has a per tower radioType field¹. Without that filled in it will assume GSM and hence ignore the provided data in case of 4G with a locationAreaCode > 65535² and just fallback to GeoIP.

This changes the request from


and the returned result then matches the cell tower data from ³.

  2. See

Fixes 5d15b65e

Merge request reports