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[ftinspect] Fix the glyph index selector layout when the window resizes.

Charlie Jiang requested to merge ftinspect-uiresize into master

Fixes #26 (closed). When the window resizes, the invisible tabs don't get notified. Therefore, when the active tab changes, we need to trigger a manual relayouting of invisible tabs.

  • src/ftinspect/widgets/glyphindexselector.hpp, src/ftinspect/widgets/glyphindexselector.cpp: Extract public method relayoutNavigation from resizeEvent.

  • src/ftinspect/panels/abstracttab.hpp: Add relayout virtual method.

  • src/ftinspect/maingui.cpp: Call AbstractTab::relayout on the new tab when the active tab changes.

  • src/ftinspect/panels/singular.cpp, src/ftinspect/panels/singular.hpp, src/ftinspect/panels/continuous.cpp, src/ftinspect/panels/continuous.hpp: Implement relayout method and call relayoutNavigation of the glyph index selector in relayout.

Merge request reports