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Add support for FreeBSD

Peter Hutterer requested to merge whot/ci-templates:wip/freebsd-v2 into master

Sits on top of !103 (merged), !102 (merged) and !101 (merged), supersedes !92 (closed)

This is the integration of the FreeBSD qemu build into the cbuild script now with the same approach as in !92 (closed) - we swap the image from the base container over to the FreeBSD image from upstream, then (after updating the ssh config) install the packages in that image through qemu.

Bonus - this works locally too so it can be reproduced a bit easier than !92 (closed).

Missing but not super urgent:

  • A partial fix for #37 (closed) accidentally snuck in there but I don't want to have to wait for the whole pipeline again for a set -e call
  • the template documentation is attached to the container-build template which doesn't exist in FreeBSD, so the documentation is off
  • some of the CI tests currently run in container-build only don't exist in FreeBSD now. Some of those could be changed (or duplicated) to run with the qemu image.

Merge request reports