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  • Íñigo Huguet's avatar
    tools/ci-fairy: fix delete-image not retrieving all repositories · 98b1218f
    Íñigo Huguet authored
    If the number of repositories is high, Gitlab pagination may limit to 20
    repositories per page. In that case, ci-fairy was getting a partial list
    and deleted images only for those repositories. Even specifying
    --repository it had the same effect.
    Pass `get_all=True` to repositories.list() so the full list of
    repositories is retrieved.
    Without the fix, a warning message is printed if you are getting a
    partial list:
        UserWarning: Calling a `list()` method without specifying `get_all=True`
        or `iterator=True` will return a maximum of 20 items. Your query returned
        20 of 42 items. See
        for more details. If this was done intentionally, then this warning can
        be supressed by adding the argument `get_all=False` to the `list()` call.
        (python-gitlab: /usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/gitlab/
          r for r in p.repositories.list() if repository is None or repository ==