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  • Keith Packard's avatar
    Replace UUID file mechanism with per-directory 'map' attribute [v2] · c4324f54
    Keith Packard authored and Akira TAGOH's avatar Akira TAGOH committed
    The UUID files would be placed in each font directory to provide the
    unique cache name, independent of path, for that directory. The UUID
    files are undesireable for a couple of reasons:
     1) They must be placed in the font directories to be useful. This
        requires modifying the font directories themselves, introducing
        potential visible timestamp changes when running multiple
        applications, and makes the cache processing inconsistent between
        applications with permission to write to the font directories and
        applications without such permission.
     2) The UUID contents were generated randomly, which makes the font
        cache not reproducible across multiple runs.
    One proposed fix for 2) is to make the UUID dependent on the font
    directory path, but once we do that, we can simply use the font
    directory path itself as the key as the original MD5-based font cache
    naming mechanism did.
    The goal of the UUID file mechanism was to f...