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  • Emma Anholt's avatar
    test: Add a test for the overflow bug in bigreqs. · 14af8bee
    Emma Anholt authored and Peter Hutterer's avatar Peter Hutterer committed
    The failing struct comes from the python test written by Michal Srb
    v2: Use a drawable (root window) and gc, so that PolyLines hopefully
        actually tries processing things.  However, the request seems to
        process successfully so the poll() just stalls out.  However, this
        does let us distinguish between detecting the bigrequests error
        and not, at least.
    v3: Clean up the description of what we expect the poll() call to do.
    v4: Use XI2 instead of PolyLine to trigger a predictable error. We know the
        server replies with BadValue for a zero num_masks argument. So if we send
        a bigreq with a num_masks 0 and a length 0, we can just check whether we
        get killed (good) or a BadValue (bad). It doesn't test for specific memory
        overflows or crashes, but based on the assumption that we shouldn't look
        at *any* BigReq of size 0, this seems to be sufficient.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEric Anholt <>
    Signed-off-by: Peter ...