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  • Simon Ser's avatar
    protocol: allow immediate wl_buffer.destroy if not re-used · 2933d3b0
    Simon Ser authored
    Allow wl_buffer objects to be destroyed without having to wait for
    wl_buffer.release if the underlying storage isn't going to be
    The main motivation for this is to avoid glitches when a client is
    torn down. When a client disconnects, all of its objects are destroyed
    in arbitrary order. However some compositors will still need to
    access the destroyed buffer's underlying storage afterwards, e.g. for
    visual effects (fade-out) or for atomic layout updates (wait for other
    clients to commit a new buffer before hiding the buffer).
    It's still incorrect for clients to destroy a wl_buffer and mutate
    the underlying storage without waiting for wl_buffer.release.
    Signed-off-by: Simon Ser's avatarSimon Ser <>
    Closes: wayland/wayland#185