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dim: add support for applying patches using b4

Jani Nikula requested to merge jani/maintainer-tools:b4-shazam into master

Add 'shazam-branch' subcommand to apply a patch series using b4 [1], fetching the patches from Lore. You can either specify the series using message-id on the command-line, or by piping a message in the series to the subcommand. Additional b4 command-line options may be specified as needed, for example to apply individual patches.

b4 is a much more robust alternative to pretty much everything we do in dim_apply_branch() and apply_patch() functions, and automatically gathers reviews and acks from the list.


Okay, so I have 0 experience with b4, but a lot of experience in dim, and I think we need to start phasing out pretty much all the homebrew bash code related to applying patches, and replace with b4.


Cc @sima @rodrigovivi @demarchi

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