igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3 - incomplete - PM: suspend entry (deep)
IGT-Version: 1.26-g642f4bf44 (x86_64) (Linux: 6.1.0-rc1-CI_DRM_12251-gff61e79b0171+ x86_64)
Starting subtest: noreloc-S3
[cmd] rtcwake: wakeup from "mem" using /dev/rtc0 at Mon Oct 17 11:50:24 2022
Starting subtest: noreloc-S3
<6> [480.615565] Console: switching to colour dummy device 80x25
<6> [480.615776] [IGT] gem_softpin: executing
<6> [480.669298] [IGT] gem_softpin: starting subtest noreloc-S3
<6> [481.045642] PM: suspend entry (deep)
<6> [481.086017] Filesystems sync: 0.040 seconds
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- Prudhvi Kambhampati added CI_IGT_test feature: GEM platform: APL labels
added CI_IGT_test feature: GEM platform: APL labels
- Reporter
The CI Bug Log issue associated to this bug has been updated by .
New filters associated
- APL: igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3 - incomplete - PM: suspend entry (deep)
- Prudhvi Kambhampati added feature: power/suspend-resume label
added feature: power/suspend-resume label
- Prudhvi Kambhampati removed feature: GEM label
removed feature: GEM label
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: APL: igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3 - incomplete - PM: suspend entry (deep)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND machine_name IS IN ["shard-apl1", "shard-apl8"] AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["incomplete"])) AND dmesg ~= 'suspend entry \(deep\)'
No new failures caught with the new filter
- Prudhvi Kambhampati mentioned in issue #7240 (closed)
mentioned in issue #7240 (closed)
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: APL HSW KBL SKL BSW: igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3 - incomplete - PM: suspend entry (deep)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["fi-kbl-soraka", "shard-kbl3", "shard-skl", "shard-skl1", "shard-skl2", "shard-skl3", "shard-skl4", "shard-skl5", "shard-skl6", "fi-skl-6770hq", "shard-skl7", "shard-skl8", "shard-hsw6", "fi-skl-6260u", "shard-skl10", "shard-skl9", "shard-hsw3", "shard-kbl5", "shard-hsw7", "shard-kbl4", "shard-hsw5", "fi-skl-lmem", "shard-kbl7", "fi-skl-6700hq", "fi-skl-6600u", "fi-hsw-4770r", "shard-apl8", "fi-bsw-n3050", "shard-apl1", "shard-aplhsw8", "shard-hsw4", "fi-hsw-g3258", "fi-kbl-7500u", "bat-hsw-1", "fi-hsw-4770", "shard-kbl6", "shard-kbl1", "fi-kbl-7560u", "shard-hsw1", "fi-bsw-nick", "fi-skl-6700k2", "fi-kbl-r", "fi-kbl-7567u", "shard-hsw2", "fi-skl-gvtdvm", "shard-kbl2", "fi-skl-guc", "fi-cfl-8700k", "fi-cfl-u", "fi-cfl-s3", "shard-hsw", "shard-kbl", "fi-hsw-gt1", "pig-kbl-iris", "fi-hsw-4200u", "fi-hsw-peppy", "fi-bsw-cyan", "fi-cfl-guc", "fi-kbl-guc", "fi-cfl-u2", "fi-kbl-x1275", "fi-cfl-8109u", "fi-skl-iommu", "fi-kbl-8809g", "fi-bsw-kefka", "fi-skl-caroline"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["HSW", "BSW", "SKL", "KBL", "CFL"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["incomplete"])) AND dmesg ~= 'suspend entry \(deep\)'
New failures caught by the filter:
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1247/fi-bsw-kefka/igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1247/fi-bsw-nick/igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1247/fi-cfl-8700k/igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1247/fi-cfl-guc/igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1247/fi-hsw-g3258/igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1247/fi-kbl-7567u/igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1247/fi-skl-6600u/igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3.html
added platform: BSW/CHT platform: HSW platform: KBL platform: SKL labels
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: APL HSW KBL SKL BSW: igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3 - incomplete - PM: suspend entry (deep)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["fi-kbl-soraka", "shard-kbl3", "shard-skl", "shard-skl1", "shard-skl2", "shard-skl3", "shard-skl4", "shard-skl5", "shard-skl6", "fi-skl-6770hq", "shard-skl7", "shard-skl8", "shard-hsw6", "fi-skl-6260u", "fi-snb-2520m", "shard-skl10", "shard-hsw3", "shard-kbl5", "shard-skl9", "shard-hsw7", "shard-kbl4", "shard-hsw5", "fi-skl-lmem", "shard-kbl7", "fi-skl-6700hq", "fi-skl-6600u", "fi-hsw-4770r", "shard-apl8", "fi-bsw-n3050", "shard-apl1", "shard-aplhsw8", "shard-hsw4", "fi-hsw-g3258", "fi-kbl-7500u", "bat-hsw-1", "fi-hsw-4770", "shard-kbl6", "shard-kbl1", "fi-kbl-7560u", "shard-hsw1", "fi-bsw-nick", "fi-skl-6700k2", "fi-kbl-r", "fi-kbl-7567u", "shard-hsw2", "fi-skl-gvtdvm", "shard-kbl2", "fi-skl-guc", "fi-cfl-8700k", "fi-cfl-u", "fi-cfl-s3", "shard-hsw", "shard-kbl", "fi-hsw-gt1", "pig-kbl-iris", "fi-hsw-4200u", "fi-hsw-peppy", "fi-bsw-cyan", "fi-cfl-guc", "fi-kbl-guc", "fi-cfl-u2", "fi-kbl-x1275", "fi-cfl-8109u", "fi-skl-iommu", "fi-kbl-8809g", "fi-bsw-kefka", "fi-skl-caroline"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["SNBm", "HSW", "BSW", "SKL", "KBL", "CFL"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["incomplete"])) AND dmesg ~= 'suspend entry \(deep\)'
New failures caught by the filter:
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: APL HSW KBL SKL BSW: igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3 - incomplete - PM: suspend entry (deep)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["fi-kbl-soraka", "shard-kbl3", "shard-skl", "shard-skl1", "shard-skl2", "shard-skl3", "shard-skl4", "shard-skl5", "shard-apl6", "fi-skl-6770hq", "shard-skl6", "shard-skl7", "shard-hsw6", "fi-skl-6260u", "fi-apl-guc", "fi-snb-2520m", "shard-apl2", "shard-hsw3", "shard-kbl5", "shard-hsw7", "shard-skl10", "shard-kbl4", "shard-hsw5", "fi-skl-lmem", "shard-kbl7", "fi-skl-6700hq", "fi-skl-6600u", "fi-hsw-4770r", "shard-apl5", "shard-apl7", "shard-apl8", "fi-bsw-n3050", "shard-apl1", "shard-hsw8", "shard-hsw4", "fi-hsw-g3258", "fi-kbl-7500u", "bat-hsw-1", "fi-hsw-4770", "shard-apl4", "shard-kbl6", "shard-skl8", "shard-kbl1", "fi-kbl-7560u", "shard-apl3", "shard-hsw1", "fi-bsw-nick", "fi-skl-6700k2", "fi-kbl-r", "fi-kbl-7567u", "shard-skl9", "shard-hsw2", "fi-skl-gvtdvm", "shard-kbl2", "fi-skl-guc", "fi-cfl-8700k", "fi-cfl-u", "fi-cfl-s3", "shard-apl", "shard-hsw", "shard-kbl", "fi-hsw-gt1", "pig-kbl-iris", "fi-hsw-4200u", "fi-hsw-peppy", "fi-bsw-cyan", "fi-cfl-guc", "fi-kbl-guc", "fi-cfl-u2", "fi-kbl-x1275", "fi-cfl-8109u", "fi-skl-iommu", "fi-kbl-8809g", "fi-bsw-kefka", "fi-skl-caroline", "fi-apl-nasher"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["SNBm", "HSW", "BSW", "SKL", "KBL", "CFL", "APL"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@gem_softpin@noreloc-s3"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["incomplete"])) AND dmesg ~= 'suspend entry \(deep\)'
New failures caught by the filter:
- Reporter
On CI, last seen this issue on Dec. 1, 2022, 9:45 p.m. Closing this issue as can not reproduce.