igt@fbdev@[write|read] subtests - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
Starting subtest: write
(fbdev:1153) CRITICAL: Test assertion failure function framebuffer_tests, file ../tests/fbdev.c:301:
(fbdev:1153) CRITICAL: Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
(fbdev:1153) CRITICAL: write differs from mapped framebuffer for 55
Subtest write failed.
- Show closed items
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- Ravi V added feature: display/Other platform: DG1 labels
added feature: display/Other platform: DG1 labels
- Reporter
The CI Bug Log issue associated to this bug has been updated by .
New filters associated
- DG1 : igt@fbdev@write - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_12062/shard-dg1-13/igt@fbdev@write.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/Patchwork_108045v1/shard-dg1-15/igt@fbdev@write.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/Patchwork_108048v1/shard-dg1-15/igt@fbdev@write.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_12063/shard-dg1-17/igt@fbdev@write.html
- DG1 : igt@fbdev@write - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: TGL DG1 : igt@fbdev@[write|read] - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["bat-dg1-6", "bat-dg1-5", "shard-dg1-15", "shard-dg1-13", "shard-dg1-12", "shard-dg1-16", "shard-dg1-14", "shard-dg1-17", "shard-dg1-19", "shard-dg1-18", "shard-dg1", "shard-tglu-3", "shard-tglu-4", "shard-tglu-2", "shard-tglu-7", "shard-tglu-6", "shard-tglu-8", "fi-tgl-u", "shard-tglu", "shard-tglu-1", "re-tgl-u", "fi-tgl-u2", "shard-tglb1", "shard-tglb2", "shard-tglb3", "shard-tglb4", "shard-tglb5", "shard-tglb6", "shard-tglb", "re-tgl1-display", "re-tgl2-display", "shard-tglb7", "shard-tglb8", "shard-tglb0", "fi-tgl-y", "re-tgl-y", "shard-tglb9", "re-tgl-cham", "fi-tgl-mst", "fi-tgl-guc", "shard-tglu-5", "re-tgl-u2", "fi-tgl-dsi", "ba-tgl-1", "custom-tgl-joshikun", "tgl-u-lpddr-ba", "re-tgl-u3", "fi-tgl-h", "fi-dg1-1", "fi-tgl-1115g4"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["DG1", "TGL"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@fbdev@read", "igt@fbdev@write"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: !memcmp\(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len\)'
New failures caught by the filter:
- Ravi V added platform: TGL label
added platform: TGL label
- Ravi V changed title from igt@fbdev@write - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len) to igt@fbdev@[write|read] subtests - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
changed title from igt@fbdev@write - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len) to igt@fbdev@[write|read] subtests - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
- LAKSHMINARAYANA VUDUM added platform: GLK label
added platform: GLK label
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by Lakshmi Vudum:
Description: GLK TGL DG1 : igt@fbdev@[write|read] - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["fi-glk-1", "bat-dg1-6", "bat-dg1-5", "shard-dg1-15", "shard-dg1-13", "shard-dg1-12", "shard-dg1-16", "shard-dg1-14", "shard-dg1-17", "shard-dg1-19", "shard-dg1-18", "shard-dg1", "shard-tglu-3", "shard-tglu-4", "shard-tglu-2", "shard-tglu-7", "shard-tglu-6", "shard-tglu-8", "fi-tgl-u", "shard-tglu", "shard-tglu-1", "re-tgl-u", "fi-tgl-u2", "shard-tglb1", "shard-tglb2", "shard-tglb3", "fi-glk-dsi", "shard-tglb4", "shard-tglb5", "shard-tglb", "re-tgl1-display", "re-tgl2-display", "shard-tglb6", "shard-tglb7", "shard-tglb8", "shard-tglb0", "fi-tgl-y", "re-tgl-y", "shard-tglb9", "re-tgl-cham", "fi-tgl-mst", "fi-tgl-guc", "shard-tglu-5", "re-tgl-u2", "fi-tgl-dsi", "ba-tgl-1", "custom-tgl-joshikun", "tgl-u-lpddr-ba", "re-tgl-u3", "fi-glk-j4005", "fi-dg1-1", "fi-tgl-h", "shard-glk", "shard-glk1", "shard-glk3", "shard-glk4", "shard-glk5", "shard-glk2", "shard-glk8", "shard-glk6", "shard-glk7", "fi-tgl-1115g4", "shard-glk9"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["GLK", "DG1", "TGL"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@fbdev@read", "igt@fbdev@write"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: !memcmp\(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len\)'
New failures caught by the filter:
- Reporter
Seen last time 1 month ago. Closing.
- Jani Saarinen closed
- Reporter
The CI Bug Log issue associated to this bug has been archived.
New failures matching the above filters will not be associated to this bug anymore.
- Ravi V reopened
- Reporter
The CI Bug Log issue associated to this bug has been restored.
All the previous filters are now active.
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: APL ICL GLK TGL DG1 : igt@fbdev@[write|read] - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["fi-glk-1", "shard-apl6", "shard-apl2", "shard-apl5", "shard-apl7", "shard-apl8", "shard-apl1", "fi-glk-dsi", "shard-apl4", "shard-apl3", "fi-glk-j4005", "shard-apl", "shard-glk", "shard-glk1", "shard-glk3", "shard-glk4", "shard-glk5", "shard-glk2", "shard-glk8", "shard-glk6", "shard-glk7", "shard-glk9", "fi-icl-u", "fi-apl-nasher", "fi-icl-u2", "fi-apl-guc", "shard-iclb", "shard-iclb1", "shard-iclb2", "shard-iclb3", "shard-iclb4", "shard-iclb5", "shard-iclb6", "fi-icl-u3", "shard-iclb7", "fi-icl-y", "shard-iclb8", "fi-icl-guc", "fi-icl-dsi", "re-icl-u", "fi-icl-u4", "fi-tgl-u", "re-tgl-u", "fi-tgl-u2", "shard-tglb1", "shard-tglb2", "shard-tglb3", "shard-tglb4", "shard-tglb5", "shard-tglb6", "shard-tglb", "re-tgl1-display", "re-tgl2-display", "shard-tglb7", "shard-tglb8", "shard-tglb0", "fi-tgl-y", "re-tgl-y", "shard-tglb9", "re-tgl-cham", "fi-icl-1065g7", "fi-tgl-guc", "re-tgl-u2", "fi-tgl-dsi", "ba-tgl-1", "custom-tgl-joshikun", "pig-icl-1065g7", "tgl-u-lpddr-ba", "re-tgl-u3", "fi-tgl-h", "fi-tgl-1115g4", "shard-tglu-3", "shard-tglu-4", "shard-tglu-2", "shard-tglu-7", "shard-tglu-6", "shard-tglu-8", "shard-tglu-1", "shard-tglu", "shard-tglu-5", "fi-tgl-mst"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["GLK", "DG1ICL", "APL", "TGL"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@fbdev@read", "igt@fbdev@write"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: !memcmp\(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len\)'
New failures caught by the filter:
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/IGT_7038/shard-apl6/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/IGT_7038/shard-iclb6/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_12331/shard-apl1/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_12331/shard-iclb5/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_12332/shard-apl6/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_12332/shard-iclb5/igt@fbdev@read.html
- Ravi V removed platform: DG1 label
removed platform: DG1 label
- Ravi V added platform: APL platform: ICL labels
added platform: APL platform: ICL labels
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: SNB APL ICL GLK TGL : igt@fbdev@[write|read] - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["shard-snb7", "shard-snb3", "fi-glk-1", "shard-apl6", "shard-snb2", "shard-apl2", "shard-snb5", "fi-snb-2600", "shard-apl5", "shard-apl7", "shard-apl8", "shard-apl1", "fi-glk-dsi", "shard-apl4", "shard-apl3", "shard-snb4", "shard-snb6", "shard-snb1", "fi-glk-j4005", "shard-apl", "shard-glk", "shard-snb", "shard-glk1", "shard-glk3", "shard-glk4", "shard-glk5", "shard-glk2", "shard-glk8", "shard-glk6", "shard-glk7", "shard-glk9", "fi-icl-u", "fi-apl-nasher", "fi-icl-u2", "fi-apl-guc", "shard-iclb", "shard-iclb1", "shard-iclb2", "shard-iclb3", "shard-iclb4", "shard-iclb5", "shard-iclb6", "fi-icl-u3", "shard-iclb7", "fi-icl-y", "shard-iclb8", "fi-icl-guc", "fi-icl-dsi", "re-icl-u", "fi-icl-u4", "fi-tgl-u", "re-tgl-u", "fi-tgl-u2", "shard-tglb1", "shard-tglb2", "shard-tglb3", "shard-tglb4", "shard-tglb5", "shard-tglb6", "shard-tglb", "re-tgl1-display", "re-tgl2-display", "shard-tglb7", "shard-tglb8", "shard-tglb0", "fi-tgl-y", "re-tgl-y", "shard-tglb9", "re-tgl-cham", "fi-icl-1065g7", "fi-tgl-guc", "re-tgl-u2", "fi-tgl-dsi", "ba-tgl-1", "custom-tgl-joshikun", "pig-icl-1065g7", "tgl-u-lpddr-ba", "re-tgl-u3", "fi-tgl-h", "fi-tgl-1115g4", "shard-tglu-3", "shard-tglu-4", "shard-tglu-2", "shard-tglu-7", "shard-tglu-6", "shard-tglu-8", "shard-tglu-1", "shard-tglu", "shard-tglu-5", "fi-tgl-mst"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["GLKSNB", "ICL", "APTGL", "TGLK", "APL"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@fbdev@read", "igt@fbdev@write"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: !memcmp\(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len\)'
New failures caught by the filter:
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: BSW CFL EHL HSW ILK IVB JSL PNV RKL SKL SNB APL ICL GLK TGL : igt@fbdev@[write|read] - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["shard-snb7", "shard-snb3", "fi-glk-1", "shard-apl6", "fi-skl-6770hq", "shard-snb2", "shard-hsw6", "fi-skl-6260u", "fi-snb-2520m", "shard-apl2", "shard-hsw3", "shard-snb5", "shard-hsw7", "fi-pnv-d510", "shard-hsw5", "fi-skl-6700hq", "fi-skl-6600u", "fi-snb-2600", "fi-hsw-4770r", "shard-apl5", "shard-apl7", "shard-apl8", "fi-bsw-n3050", "shard-apl1", "shard-hsw8", "fi-glk-dsi", "shard-hsw4", "fi-ilk-650", "fi-hsw-4770", "shard-apl4", "fi-ivb-3770", "shard-apl3", "shard-hsw1", "shard-snb4", "fi-skl-6700k2", "fi-ilk-m540", "shard-snb6", "shard-hsw2", "fi-skl-gvtdvm", "shard-snb1", "fi-skl-guc", "fi-cfl-8700k", "fi-cfl-u", "fi-cfl-s3", "fi-glk-j4005", "shard-apl", "shard-glk", "shard-hsw", "shard-snb", "shard-glk1", "shard-glk3", "shard-glk4", "shard-glk5", "shard-glk2", "shard-glk8", "shard-glk6", "shard-glk7", "fi-hsw-4200u", "fi-hsw-peppy", "fi-bsw-cyan", "fi-cfl-guc", "fi-cfl-u2", "shard-glk9", "fi-cfl-8109u", "fi-skl-iommu", "fi-bsw-kefka", "fi-icl-u", "fi-skl-caroline", "fi-apl-nasher", "shard-skl", "shard-skl1", "shard-skl2", "shard-skl3", "shard-skl4", "shard-skl5", "shard-skl6", "shard-skl7", "shard-skl8", "shard-skl9", "fi-icl-u2", "shard-skl10", "fi-apl-guc", "shard-iclb", "shard-iclb1", "shard-iclb2", "shard-iclb3", "shard-iclb4", "shard-iclb5", "shard-iclb6", "fi-icl-u3", "shard-iclb7", "fi-icl-y", "fi-skl-lmem", "shard-iclb8", "fi-icl-guc", "fi-icl-dsi", "re-icl-u", "fi-icl-u4", "fi-tgl-u", "re-tgl-u", "fi-tgl-u2", "shard-tglb1", "shard-tglb2", "shard-tglb3", "shard-tglb4", "shard-tglb5", "shard-tglb6", "shard-tglb", "re-tgl1-display", "re-tgl2-display", "shard-tglb7", "shard-tglb8", "shard-tglb0", "fi-tgl-y", "re-tgl-y", "fi-bsw-nick", "shard-tglb9", "re-tgl-cham", "fi-icl-1065g7", "fi-tgl-guc", "fi-ehl-1", "re-ehl-1", "re-tgl-u2", "fi-tgl-dsi", "ba-tgl-1", "re-ehl-cham", "custom-tgl-joshikun", "re-jsl-1", "re-jsl-2", "pig-icl-1065g7", "tgl-u-lpddr-ba", "re-tgl-u3", "fi-tgl-h", "re-rkl-1", "jsl3", "hbd-rkl-s1", "hbd-ehl-1", "fi-ehl-2", "bat-jsl-2", "bat-rkl-1", "bat-jsl-1", "fi-hsw-gt1", "fi-jsl-1", "fi-rkl-11500t", "shard-rkl-1", "shard-rkl-2", "shard-rkl-3", "shard-rkl-4", "shard-rkl-5", "shard-rkl-6", "fi-tgl-1115g4", "shard-rkl", "fi-rkl-11600", "fi-rkl-guc", "shard-tglu-3", "shard-tglu-4", "shard-tglu-2", "shard-tglu-7", "shard-tglu-6", "shard-tglu-8", "shard-tglu-1", "shard-tglu", "shard-tglu-5", "fi-hsw-g3258", "bat-hsw-1", "bat-jsl-3", "fi-tgl-mst"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["PNV", "ILK", "SNB", "IVB", "SNBm", "HSW", "ICL", "BSW", "SKL", "TGL", "EHL", "GLK", "CFL", "JSL", "APL", "RKL"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@fbdev@read", "igt@fbdev@write"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: !memcmp\(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len\)'
New failures caught by the filter:
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-bsw-kefka/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-cfl-8109u/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-cfl-8700k/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-cfl-guc/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-ehl-2/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-hsw-4770/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-ilk-650/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-ivb-3770/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-jsl-1/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-pnv-d510/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-rkl-guc/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-skl-6600u/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-skl-6700k2/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-skl-guc/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1260/fi-snb-2520m/igt@fbdev@read.html
- Reporter
On CI, last seen this issue on Nov. 4, 2022, 6:46 p.m. Closing this issue as can not reproduce.
- Reporter
The CI Bug Log issue associated to this bug has been archived.
New failures matching the above filters will not be associated to this bug anymore.
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by Gundlakarthik.
Description: BSW CFL EHL HSW ILK IVB JSL PNV RKL SKL SNB APL ICL GLK TGL : igt@fbdev@[write|read] - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["bat-adlp-9", "bat-dg1-6", "bat-dg2-9", "bat-adlp-6", "bat-adln-1", "bat-dg2-11"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["PNV", "ILK", "SNB", "IVB", "SNBm", "HSW", "ICL", "BSW", "SKL", "TGL", "EHL", "GLK", "CFL", "JSLDG1", "APL", "JSL", "RKL"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@fbdev@read", "igt@fbdev@write"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: !memcmp\(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len\)'
New failures caught by the filter:
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_12986/shard-dg1-14/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_12987/shard-dg1-16/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_12988/shard-dg1-17/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_12989/shard-dg1-17/igt@fbdev@read.html
- Gundla karthik added platform: DG1 label
added platform: DG1 label
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by Gundlakarthik.
Description: DG1 BSW CFL EHL HSW ILK IVB JSL PNV RKL SKL SNB APL ICL GLK TGL : igt@fbdev@[write|read] - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["bat-adlp-9", "bat-dg1-6", "bat-dg2-9", "bat-adlp-6", "bat-adln-1", "bat-dg2-11"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["PNV", "ILK", "SNB", "IVB", "SNBm", "HSW", "ICL", "BSW", "SKL", "TGL", "EHL", "GLK", "CFL", "DG1", "APL", "JSL", "RKL"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@fbdev@read", "igt@fbdev@write"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: !memcmp\(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len\)'
No new failures caught with the new filter
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by Gundlakarthik.
Description: DG1 BSW CFL EHL HSW ILK IVB JSL PNV RKL SKL SNB APL ICL GLK TGL : igt@fbdev@[write|read] - fail - Failed assertion: !memcmp(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len)
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["bat-adlp-9", "bat-dg1-6", "bat-dg2-9", "bat-adlp-6", "bat-adln-1", "bat-dg2-11"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["PNV", "ILK", "SNB", "IVB", "SNBm", "HSW", "ICL", "BSW", "SKL", "TGL", "EHKBL", "GLK", "CFL", "DG1APL", "APSNBm", "ICL", "TGL", "EHL", "JSL", "DG1", "RKL", "DG2"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@fbdev@read", "igt@fbdev@write"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: !memcmp\(map, buf, fix_info.smem_len\)'
New failures caught by the filter:
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/IGT_7360/shard-dg2-11/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1372/bat-dg2-8/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1372/fi-kbl-7567u/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1372/fi-kbl-soraka/igt@fbdev@read.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/drmtip_1372/pig-kbl-iris/igt@fbdev@read.html
- Reporter
The CI Bug Log issue associated to this bug has been archived.
New failures matching the above filters will not be associated to this bug anymore.