igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms - fail - Failed assertion: check_dc9(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported ? read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6) : read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5), dc6_supported, 3000), Not in DC9
Starting subtest: dc9-dpms
(i915_pm_dc:1361) CRITICAL: Test assertion failure function test_dc9_dpms, file ../tests/i915/i915_pm_dc.c:429:
(i915_pm_dc:1361) CRITICAL: Failed assertion: check_dc9(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported ? read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6) : read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5), dc6_supported, 3000)
(i915_pm_dc:1361) CRITICAL: Not in DC9
Subtest dc9-dpms failed.
- Show closed items
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- Tejasree Illipilli added platform: CML platform: ICL platform: KBL labels
added platform: CML platform: ICL platform: KBL labels
- Tejasree Illipilli added platform: BXT label
added platform: BXT label
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: APL ICL KBL CML: igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms - fail - Failed assertion: check_dc9(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported ? read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6) : read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5), dc6_supported, 3000), Not in DC9
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["fi-kbl-soraka", "shard-kbl3", "shard-apl6", "fi-icl-u2", "shard-kbl7", "fi-apl-guc", "shard-apl2", "shard-iclb", "shard-iclb1", "shard-iclb2", "shard-iclb3", "shard-iclb4", "shard-iclb5", "fi-icl-u3", "shard-iclb6", "fi-icl-y", "shard-iclb7", "shard-iclb8", "fi-icl-guc", "fi-icl-dsi", "re-icl-u", "shard-kbl4", "fi-cml-u", "re-cml-u", "fi-cml-u2", "fi-icl-u4", "shard-apl5", "fi-cml-h", "fi-cml-s", "shard-apl7", "shard-apl8", "shard-apl1", "fi-kbl-7500u", "shard-kbl6", "shard-apl4", "shard-kbl1", "fi-kbl-7560u", "shard-apl3", "fi-kbl-r", "fi-icl-1065g7", "fi-kbl-7567u", "shard-kbl2", "pig-icl-1065g7", "shard-apl", "shard-kbl5", "shard-kbl", "fi-cml-drallion", "pig-kbl-iris", "fi-kbl-guc", "fi-kbl-x1275", "fi-kbl-8809g", "fi-icl-u", "fi-apl-nasher"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["KBL", "ICL", "APL", "CML"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: check_dc9\(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported \? read_dc_counter\(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6\) : read_dc_counter\(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5\), dc6_supported, 3000\)\n.*Not in DC9'
New failures caught by the filter:
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: RKL APL ICL KBL CML: igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms - fail - Failed assertion: check_dc9(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported ? read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6) : read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5), dc6_supported, 3000), Not in DC9
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["fi-kbl-soraka", "shard-kbl3", "fi-rkl-11600", "fi-rkl-guc", "shard-apl6", "fi-icl-u2", "shard-kbl7", "fi-apl-guc", "shard-apl2", "shard-iclb", "shard-iclb1", "shard-iclb2", "shard-iclb3", "shard-iclb4", "shard-iclb5", "fi-icl-u3", "shard-iclb6", "fi-icl-y", "shard-iclb7", "shard-iclb8", "fi-icl-guc", "fi-icl-dsi", "re-icl-u", "shard-kbl4", "fi-cml-u", "re-cml-u", "fi-cml-u2", "fi-icl-u4", "shard-apl5", "fi-cml-h", "fi-cml-s", "shard-apl7", "shard-apl8", "shard-apl1", "fi-kbl-7500u", "shard-kbl6", "shard-apl4", "shard-kbl1", "fi-kbl-7560u", "shard-apl3", "fi-kbl-r", "fi-icl-1065g7", "fi-kbl-7567u", "shard-kbl2", "pig-icl-1065g7", "re-rkl-1", "shard-apl", "shard-kbl5", "shard-kbl", "hbd-rkl-s1", "fi-cml-drallion", "bat-rkl-1", "fi-rkl-11500t", "pig-kbl-iris", "shard-rkl-1", "shard-rkl-2", "shard-rkl-3", "shard-rkl-4", "shard-rkl-5", "shard-rkl-6", "shard-rkl", "fi-kbl-guc", "fi-kbl-x1275", "fi-kbl-8809g", "fi-icl-u", "fi-apl-nasher"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["KBL", "ICL", "APL", "CML", "KBL", "RKL", "APL"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: check_dc9\(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported \? read_dc_counter\(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6\) : read_dc_counter\(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5\), dc6_supported, 3000\)\n.*Not in DC9'
New failures caught by the filter:
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_10457/shard-rkl-2/igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_10458/shard-rkl-5/igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_10459/shard-rkl-6/igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_10450/shard-rkl-2/igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms.html
- https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/tree/drm-tip/CI_DRM_10456/shard-rkl-6/igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms.html
- Tejasree Illipilli added platform: RKL label
added platform: RKL label
- Reporter
The CI Bug Log issue associated to this bug has been updated by .
Removed filters
- RKL APL ICL KBL CML: igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms - fail - Failed assertion: check_dc9(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported ? read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6) : read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5), dc6_supported, 3000), Not in DC9 (added on an hour ago)
New filters associated
- RKL APL ICL KBL CML: igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms - fail - Failed assertion: check_dc9(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported ? read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6) : read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5), dc6_supported, 3000), Not in DC9 (No new failures associated)
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by Lakshmi Vudum:
Description: RKL APL ICL KBL CML ADL-P: igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms - fail - Failed assertion: check_dc9(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported ? read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6) : read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5), dc6_supported, 3000), Not in DC9
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["fi-kbl-soraka", "shard-kbl3", "fi-rkl-11600", "fi-rkl-guc", "shard-apl6", "fi-icl-u2", "shard-kbl7", "fi-apl-guc", "shard-apl2", "shard-iclb", "shard-iclb1", "shard-iclb2", "shard-iclb3", "shard-iclb4", "shard-iclb5", "fi-icl-u3", "shard-iclb6", "fi-icl-y", "shard-iclb7", "shard-iclb8", "fi-icl-guc", "fi-icl-dsi", "re-icl-u", "shard-kbl4", "fi-cml-u", "re-cml-u", "fi-cml-u2", "fi-icl-u4", "shard-apl5", "fi-cml-h", "fi-cml-s", "shard-apl7", "shard-apl8", "shard-apl1", "fi-kbl-7500u", "shard-kbl6", "shard-apl4", "shard-kbl1", "fi-kbl-7560u", "shard-apl3", "fi-kbl-r", "fi-icl-1065g7", "fi-kbl-7567u", "shard-kbl2", "pig-icl-1065g7", "re-rkl-1", "shard-apl", "shard-kbl5", "shard-kbl", "hbd-rkl-s1", "fi-cml-drallion", "bat-rkl-1", "fi-rkl-11500t", "pig-kbl-iris", "shard-rkl-1", "shard-rkl-2", "shard-rkl-3", "shard-rkl-4", "shard-rkl-5", "shard-rkl-6", "shard-rkl", "bat-adlp-4", "fi-kbl-guc", "re-adlp-pub1", "fi-kbl-x1275", "fi-kbl-8809g", "fi-icl-u", "fi-apl-nasher"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["ICL", "CML", "KBL", "RKL", "APL", "ADL-P"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: check_dc9\(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported \? read_dc_counter\(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6\) : read_dc_counter\(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5\), dc6_supported, 3000\)\n.*Not in DC9'
New failures caught by the filter:
- LAKSHMINARAYANA VUDUM added platform: ADL_P label
added platform: ADL_P label
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: RKL APL ICL KBL CML ADL-P ADL-S: igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms - fail - Failed assertion: check_dc9(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported ? read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6) : read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5), dc6_supported, 3000), Not in DC9
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["fi-kbl-soraka", "shard-kbl3", "fi-rkl-11600", "fi-rkl-guc", "shard-apl6", "fi-icl-u2", "shard-kbl7", "fi-apl-guc", "shard-apl2", "shard-iclb", "shard-iclb1", "shard-iclb2", "shard-iclb3", "shard-iclb4", "shard-iclb5", "fi-icl-u3", "shard-iclb6", "fi-icl-y", "shard-iclb7", "shard-iclb8", "fi-icl-guc", "fi-icl-dsi", "re-icl-u", "shard-kbl4", "fi-cml-u", "re-cml-u", "fi-cml-u2", "fi-icl-u4", "shard-apl5", "fi-cml-h", "fi-cml-s", "shard-apl7", "shard-apl8", "shard-apl1", "fi-kbl-7500u", "shard-kbl6", "shard-apl4", "shard-kbl1", "fi-kbl-7560u", "shard-apl3", "fi-kbl-r", "fi-icl-1065g7", "fi-kbl-7567u", "shard-kbl2", "pig-icl-1065g7", "re-rkl-1", "shard-apl", "shard-kbl5", "shard-kbl", "hbd-rkl-s1", "fi-cml-drallion", "bat-rkl-1", "fi-rkl-11500t", "pig-kbl-iris", "shard-rkl-1", "shard-rkl-2", "shard-rkl-3", "shard-rkl-4", "shard-rkl-5", "shard-rkl-6", "hbd-adl-s1", "re-adls-2", "shard-rkl", "re-adls-cham2", "bat-adlp-4", "bat-adls-4", "fi-kbl-guc", "re-adlp-pub1", "fi-kbl-x1275", "fi-kbl-8809g", "fi-icl-u", "fi-apl-nasher"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["ICL", "CML", "KBL", "RKL", "APL", "ADL-P", "ADL-S"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: check_dc9\(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported \? read_dc_counter\(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6\) : read_dc_counter\(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5\), dc6_supported, 3000\)\n.*Not in DC9'
New failures caught by the filter:
- SAI NANDAN added platform: ADL_S label
added platform: ADL_S label
- Reporter
A CI Bug Log filter associated to this bug has been updated by :
Description: TGL RKL APL ICL KBL CML ADL-P ADL-S: igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms - fail - Failed assertion: check_dc9(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported ? read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6) : read_dc_counter(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5), dc6_supported, 3000), Not in DC9
Equivalent query: runconfig_tag IS IN ["DRM-TIP"] AND (machine_name IS IN ["shard-kbl3", "shard-apl6", "shard-apl2", "shard-kbl5", "shard-kbl4", "shard-kbl7", "shard-apl5", "shard-apl7", "shard-apl8", "shard-apl1", "fi-kbl-7500u", "shard-kbl6", "shard-apl4", "shard-kbl1", "fi-kbl-7560u", "shard-apl3", "fi-kbl-r", "fi-kbl-7567u", "shard-kbl2", "shard-apl", "shard-kbl", "fi-kbl-guc", "fi-kbl-x1275", "fi-kbl-8809g", "fi-icl-u", "fi-apl-nasher", "fi-kbl-soraka", "fi-icl-u2", "fi-apl-guc", "shard-iclb", "shard-iclb1", "shard-iclb2", "shard-iclb3", "shard-iclb4", "shard-iclb5", "shard-iclb6", "fi-icl-u3", "shard-iclb7", "fi-icl-y", "shard-iclb8", "fi-icl-guc", "fi-icl-dsi", "re-icl-u", "fi-cml-u", "re-cml-u", "fi-cml-u2", "fi-icl-u4", "fi-tgl-u", "fi-cml-h", "fi-cml-s", "re-tgl-u", "fi-tgl-u2", "shard-tglb1", "shard-tglb2", "shard-tglb3", "shard-tglb4", "shard-tglb5", "shard-tglb6", "re-tgl1-display", "re-tgl2-display", "shard-tglb7", "shard-tglb8", "shard-tglb0", "fi-tgl-y", "re-tgl-y", "shard-tglb9", "re-tgl-cham", "fi-icl-1065g7", "fi-tgl-guc", "re-tgl-u2", "fi-tgl-dsi", "ba-tgl-1", "custom-tgl-joshikun", "pig-icl-1065g7", "tgl-u-lpddr-ba", "re-tgl-u3", "fi-tgl-h", "re-rkl-1", "hbd-rkl-s1", "fi-cml-drallion", "bat-rkl-1", "fi-rkl-11500t", "pig-kbl-iris", "shard-rkl-1", "shard-rkl-2", "shard-rkl-3", "shard-rkl-4", "shard-rkl-5", "shard-rkl-6", "hbd-adl-s1", "re-adls-2", "fi-tgl-1115g4", "re-adls-cham2", "bat-adlp-4", "bat-adls-4", "re-adlp-pub1", "shard-rkl", "fi-rkl-11600", "fi-rkl-guc"] OR machine_tag IS IN ["ICL", "CML", "TGL", "KBL", "RKL", "APL", "ADL-P", "ADL-S"]) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND test_name IS IN ["igt@i915_pm_dc@dc9-dpms"])) AND ((testsuite_name = "IGT" AND status_name IS IN ["fail"])) AND stderr ~= 'Failed assertion: check_dc9\(data->debugfs_fd, dc6_supported \? read_dc_counter\(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC6\) : read_dc_counter\(data->debugfs_fd, CHECK_DC5\), dc6_supported, 3000\)\n.*Not in DC9'
New failures caught by the filter:
- LAKSHMINARAYANA VUDUM added feature: display/Other label
added feature: display/Other label
- Reporter
Issue observed on ADL_M Manual resume run with DRM_10487 and IGT_6176, Hence adding ADL_M tag
Log : ADL_M_DRM_10487_IGT_6176_igt_i915_pm_dc_dc9-dpms_-_Details.html
- Jaswanth kattamanchi added platform: ADL_M label
added platform: ADL_M label
- Reporter
Issue is reproducing on CML,APL,KBL.
- Reporter
Issue is last seen drmtip_916 (3 weeks, 4 days old).
Since issue is not observed on all platforms tagged, closing #3343 (closed)
- SAI NANDAN closed
- Reporter
The CI Bug Log issue associated to this bug has been archived.
New failures matching the above filters will not be associated to this bug anymore.