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The migration is almost done, at least the rest should happen in the background. There are still a few technical difference between the old cluster and the new ones, and they are summarized in this issue. Please pay attention to the TL:DR at the end of the comment.
Note that the history of this tests was because the old command submission page flip could change tiling (but not much else). With atomic this is all done by the atomic pageflip code, so might indicate some larger issue with atomic flips.
Note that the history of this tests was because the old command submission
page flip could change tiling (but not much else). With atomic this is all
done by the atomic pageflip code, so might indicate some larger issue with
atomic flips.
The reproduction rate does not look uniform, which could indicate that the ordering of the test is somewhat important, meaning that one test would leak some state onto the other one.
I suggest using cibuglog's Known Failure view with the following "issue_id=775 AND machine_tag = 'ICL'" query in order to start investigating this issue, looking at which tests were executed in the shard, but bear in mind that shards machines do not always reboot between shards, inside the same run (so also check the tests executed in the previous shard ids). Enjoy!
As for the customer impact, as per Daniel's comment, this might lead to flickering or garbled display, which would make the computer unusable depending on the tiling format of the framebuffer (expected to be stable between driver updates).