igt@kms_rotation_crc@.* is agonizingly slow on all platforms
These tests are responsible for a significant amount of the overall reported time of a CI FULL run:
- shard-skl: 10.2% (~22 minutes)
- shard-kbl: 6% (~8 minutes)
- shard-apl: 3.9% (~7 minutes)
- shard-glk: 8% (~18 minutes)
- shard-icl: 11% (~22 minutes)
- shard-tgl: 7.1% (~14 minutes)
Current efforts to reduce the exec time:
- tests/kms_rotation_crc: Speed up by not testing every format from @vsyrjala: -66% on TGL
- tests/kms_rotation_crc: limit maximum used plane size from JP: -15% on TGL
Unfortunately, the percentages won't add up so we will still need more work.
Edited by Martin Roukala