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  • Tvrtko Ursulin's avatar
    igt/ Media workload analyzer · 0943be89
    Tvrtko Ursulin authored
    The high level goal of this script is to programatically analyze
    the simulated media workloads (gem_wsim) by finding an optimal
    load balancing strategy, and also detecting any possible
    shortcomings of the same.
    When run without command line arguments script will run through
    both of its phases.
    In the first phase it will be running all the known balancers
    against the all the known workloads, and for each combination
    look for a point where aggregated system throughput cannot be
    increased by running more parallel workload instances.
    At that point each balancer gets a score proportional to the
    throughput achieved, which is added to the running total for the
    complete phase.
    Several different score boards are kept - total throughput, per
    client throughput and combined (total + per client). Weighted
    scoreboards are also kept where scores are weighted based on the
    total variance detected for a single workload. This means scores
    for workloads which respond well to be...