Adjusting core/memory clocks via the sysfs is broken in kernel 5.9
Brief summary of the problem:
Setting core/memory clocks and voltages via the sysfs fails with "Invalid Argument" error.
Hardware description:
- CPU: AMD Threadripper 3960X
- GPU: AMD Radeon VII x4
- System Memory: 128GB (8x 16GB Micron ECC UDIMM)
- Display(s): 3
- Type of Diplay Connection: 2x DP, HDMI
System infomration:
- Distro name and Version: Arch Linux
- Kernel version: 5.9.0
- Custom kernel: n/a
How to reproduce the issue:
Attempt to write new values to pp_od_clck_voltage
echo "vc 2 2025 1195" | sudo tee pp_od_clk_voltage
tee: write error : Invalid Argument
Errors occur whether writing to relative or fully qualified paths. I went back through the 5.9-rc kernels, and it looks like this has been broken since 5.9-rc1. Writes in hwmon (power_cap, fan, etc) and loading a new pp_table work without issue.
No issues with clock controls running the amd-staging-drm-next