[3200g] FPS drop into lockup and reboot - [drm] REG_WAIT timeout 10us * 200000 tries - rv1_vbios_smu_send_msg_with_param line:82
My system can reach approximately 80 fps playing an old version of world of warcraft with wine and dxvk but after a period of gameplay fps will drop to 20-30 and at this point doing things like switching to other programs with alt + tab will cause small lockups, things are also generally prone to causing permanent lockups at this point or lockup into reboot. Weirdly enough this symptom is very similar to what I'm experiencing on windows as well, path of exile for example will suddenly drop to an abnormally low fps after a period of gameplay and exiting or alt + tabbing out of the game will cause windows to show a blue screen.
Linux: 5.6.7-arch1-1
Mesa: 20.0.5-1
System spec:
HP 24f over HDMI
Ryzen 3 3200g
16 GB DDR4 RAM (2x8 GB)
ASRock B450M HDV R4.0 (I am using the latest BIOS at the time of writing - 3.70)
Corsair CV 450w