Cleanups and optimizations
See commit messages for more info.
I did some tests on my OPI3 board using the same scenario (expand/collapse status bar for a 5 times). Inferno results:
rework+cache.html (file size 2.1MB)
- drm_hwcomposer: Implement BI and FB caching
- drm_hwcomposer: Add unique handle ID getter into buffergetter class
rework-only.html (File size 2.7MB)
- drm_hwcomposer: Reorganize struct DrmHwcLayer
- drm_hwcomposer: Set return type to std::optional for BufferInfoGetters
- drm_hwcomposer: Move include/drmhwcgralloc.h to bufferinfo/BufferInfo.h
- drm_hwcomposer: Use atrace for framebuffer's import/remove events
baseline.html (File size 3.8MB)
- (main) drm_hwcomposer: Add non-blocking commit support
Simpleperf result file sizes itself tells a lot about optimizations made.