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Release 3.6.0

* Add `Proxy::call_with_flags`.
* Add `Add Connection::request_name_with_flags`.
* Add `Proxy::receive_signal_with_args`, which is the same as `Proxy::receive_signal` but allows one
  to setup server-side filtering based on argument matches, thus allowing you to avoid unnecessary
  D-Bus traffic flowing to your connection.
* Fix the API and handling of argN and argNpath in match rules. We were assuming that they've to be
  contiguous but that's not true. One can set a condition on any arg at any index. This means an API
  break but:
  * We just introduced the API in the last release so chances of someone using it directly are very
  * If anyone was using the changed API, they were likely in trouble anyway.
  * We avoid breaking the main API by keeping `MatchRuleBuilder::{add_arg, add_arg_path}` the same
    and adding new methods for adding args at a specific index.
  * The API that **is** breaking is mostly going to be useful for bus implementations and there is
    hardly one yet.
* Improved tokio-console integration:
  * Add traces to futures running as tasks.
  * Enable `tracing` feature of tokio.
  * Set IDs on tokio tasks. `tokio_unstable` cargo flag will need to be specified though but we
    leave that to the users.
* Fix a possible race-condition in signal streams, that mainly affected low-end machines.
* Avoid redundant signals for `OwnerChangedStream`. Make use of ability to set a filter on args in
  match rules to only be notified of changes to name we're actually interested in.
* Pre-allocate known capacity for match rule args.
* Add `chrono` feature, which is a proxy feature to enable `chrono` feature+dep in `zvariant`.
* Fixes to docs.
* Some internal improvements.
* Bumped dependencies:
  * ordered-stream 0.1.2
  * zvariant 3.9.0
  * zbus_names 2.4.0