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  • Colin Walters's avatar
    2004-08-23 Colin Walters <> · ee78f280
    Colin Walters authored
    	* bus/selinux.h: Prototype bus_selinux_get_policy_root.
    	* bus/selinux.c: Create a thread for policy reload notification.
    	(bus_selinux_get_policy_root): Implement.
    	Updated SELinux support from Matthew Rickard <>
    	* bus/config-parser.c (start_busconfig_child)
    	(bus_config_parser_content): Support SELinux-root relative
    	* <HAVE_SELINUX>: Add -lpthread.
    	* bus/test-main.c (test_pre_hook, test_post_hook): New.
    	(test_post_hook): Move memory checking into here.
    	(test_pre_hook, test_post_hook): Move SELinux checks in
    	here, but conditional on a DBUS_TEST_SELINUX environment
    	variable.  Unfortunately we can't run the SELinux checks
    	as a normal user, since they won't have any permissions
    	for /selinux.  So this will have to be tested manually
    	for now, until we have virtualization for most of
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