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  • hongjinghao's avatar
    bus: Assign a serial number for messages from the driver · b159849e
    hongjinghao authored and Simon McVittie's avatar Simon McVittie committed
    Normally, it's enough to rely on a message being given a serial number
    by the DBusConnection just before it is actually sent. However, in the
    rare case where the policy blocks the driver from sending a message
    (due to a deny rule or the outgoing message quota being full), we need
    to get a valid serial number sooner, so that we can copy it into the
    DBUS_HEADER_FIELD_REPLY_SERIAL field (which is mandatory) in the error
    message sent to monitors. Otherwise, the dbus-daemon will crash with
    an assertion failure if at least one Monitoring client is attached,
    because zero is not a valid serial number to copy.
    This fixes a denial-of-service vulnerability: if a privileged user is
    monitoring the well-known system bus using a Monitoring client like
    dbus-monitor or `busctl monitor`, then an unprivileged user can cause
    denial-of-service by triggering this crash. A mitigation for this
    vulnerability is to avoid attaching Monitoring clients to the system
    bus when they are not needed. If there are no Monitoring clients, then
    the vulnerable code is not reached.
    Co-authored-by: default avatarSimon McVittie <>
    Resolves: #457