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  • Simon McVittie's avatar
    validate_body_helper: Bounds-check before validating booleans · e93a775e
    Simon McVittie authored
    Running the "embedded tests" through valgrind revealed that before this
    commit, we would have been willing to read up to 3 bytes off the end of
    a message if the message is truncated part way through a boolean. Any
    practical allocator will round up allocations to the next 32-bit (or
    larger) boundary, so in practice this will not leave the memory buffer
    (and in particular did not crash during unit testing), but it could read
    uninitialized contents.
    On little-endian CPUs, an attacker might be able to use this to learn
    whether up to 3 bytes of uninitialized memory in the dbus-daemon
    were all-zero (their crafted message would be relayed) or not (their
    connection would be disconnected for sending an invalid message). On
    big-endian CPUs, an attacker might be able to use this to learn whether
    up to 3 bytes were all-zeroes (relayed to a cooperating peer), 0-2
    bytes of all-zeroes followed by 0x01 (relayed to a cooperating peer),
    or something else (disco...