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  • Simon McVittie's avatar
    dbus-daemon test: Allow much longer for pending fd timeout · ffa3bc17
    Simon McVittie authored
    The timeout we're using here is 0.5s (500ms), but the actual time taken
    is unbounded, because the OS scheduler might not schedule our process
    for an arbitrary length of time after we become runnable.
    We previously allowed up to 1 second, but in the CI jobs for dbus!9
    and dbus!18 we've seen this take up to 3.4 seconds (presumably
    because other tests, or other jobs running on the same shared
    infrastructure, starved this process). Allow up to 10 seconds to guard
    against spurious failures.
    The timeout used in the production system.conf is 150 seconds (2½
    minutes), and we're only using the shorter 500ms timeout here to make
    the test complete more quickly, so ±10 seconds is relatively
    insignificant: the main thing is that it's finite.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSimon McVittie <>
    (cherry picked from commit 20e6eb7c)