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logind and input

Heinrich Fink requested to merge logind-and-input into master

This MR adds two features to make running (and quitting) kms-quads a more pleasant experience:

  • Pulling in wlroots' logind implementation for safer kms device acquisition. Terminals are now restored nicely after reach run/crash.

  • Adding minimal libinput/libudev support to check whether the ESC key was pressed. If so, quit sample.

Both features are completely optional, and I tried to add them in a way so they don't disturb reading the actual sample too much.

I tested them on my machine, and they seems to do what is expected. However, I still need to adapt documentation a bit before this should be merged (there are some now-obsolete references to weston's logind implementation, etc). For now, let me know if you have any concerns / feedback about the code itself.

Edited by Heinrich Fink

Merge request reports