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  • Rhys Perry's avatar
    radv,aco: use per-attribute vertex descriptors for robustness · 157c6b0f
    Rhys Perry authored
    We have to use a different num_records for each attribute to correctly
    implement robust buffer access.
    fossil-db (GFX10.3, robustBufferAccess enabled):
    Totals from 60059 (41.06% of 146267) affected shaders:
    VGPRs: 2169040 -> 2169024 (-0.00%); split: -0.02%, +0.02%
    CodeSize: 79473128 -> 81156016 (+2.12%); split: -0.00%, +2.12%
    MaxWaves: 1635360 -> 1635258 (-0.01%); split: +0.00%, -0.01%
    Instrs: 15559040 -> 15793205 (+1.51%); split: -0.01%, +1.52%
    Latency: 90954792 -> 91308768 (+0.39%); split: -0.30%, +0.69%
    InvThroughput: 14937873 -> 14958761 (+0.14%); split: -0.04%, +0.18%
    VClause: 444280 -> 412074 (-7.25%); split: -9.22%, +1.97%
    SClause: 588545 -> 644141 (+9.45%); split: -0.54%, +9.99%
    Copies: 1010395 -> 1011232 (+0.08%); split: -0.44%, +0.53%
    Branches: 274279 -> 274282 (+0.00%); split: -0.00%, +0.00%
    PreSGPRs: 1431171 -> 1405056 (-1.82%); split: -2.89%, +1.07%
    PreVGPRs: 1575253 -> 1575259 (+0.00%)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRhys Perry <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarSamuel Pitoiset <>
    Part-of: <mesa/mesa!7871>