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agx: Improve preamble cost function

Alyssa Rosenzweig requested to merge alyssa/mesa:agx/preambler into main

Use a crude cycle model + some heuristics. Results for the series:

total instructions in shared programs: 2039862 -> 2039268 (-0.03%)
instructions in affected programs: 47399 -> 46805 (-1.25%)
helped: 62
HURT: 45
Instructions are helped.

total alu in shared programs: 1594217 -> 1593274 (-0.06%)
alu in affected programs: 122956 -> 122013 (-0.77%)
helped: 367
HURT: 40
Alu are helped.

total fscib in shared programs: 1590389 -> 1589446 (-0.06%)
fscib in affected programs: 122956 -> 122013 (-0.77%)
helped: 367
HURT: 40
Fscib are helped.

total ic in shared programs: 477960 -> 477948 (<.01%)
ic in affected programs: 12 -> 0
helped: 3

total bytes in shared programs: 14112726 -> 14110368 (-0.02%)
bytes in affected programs: 1336816 -> 1334458 (-0.18%)
helped: 166
HURT: 381
Inconclusive result (value mean confidence interval includes 0).

total regs in shared programs: 590371 -> 590572 (0.03%)
regs in affected programs: 3308 -> 3509 (6.08%)
helped: 19
HURT: 65
Regs are HURT.

total uniforms in shared programs: 1532271 -> 1516510 (-1.03%)
uniforms in affected programs: 299496 -> 283735 (-5.26%)
helped: 2312
Uniforms are helped.

total threads in shared programs: 20329216 -> 20329600 (<.01%)
threads in affected programs: 3840 -> 4224 (10.00%)
helped: 6
Threads are helped.

Merge request reports