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  • Chris Wilson's avatar
    Mark all CRTC as currently unused for second picking CRTC pass · 3d03be78
    Chris Wilson authored and Adam Jackson's avatar Adam Jackson committed
    We perform two passes over the CRTC in order to find the preferred CRTC
    for each enabled output. In the first pass, we try to preserve the
    existing output <-> CRTC relationships (to avoid unnecessary flicker).
    If that pass fails, we try again but with all outputs first disabled.
    However, the logic to preserve an active CRTC was not disabled along
    with the outputs - meaning that if one was active but its associated
    output was disabled by the user, then that CRTC would remain unavailable
    for other outputs. The result would be that we would try to assign more
    CRTC than available (i.e. if the user request 3 new HDMI outputs on a
    system with only 3 CRTC, and wished to switch off an active internal
    panel, we would report "cannot find CRTC" even though that configuration
    could be established.)
    Reported-and-tested-by: default avatarNathan Schulte <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarChris Wilson <>