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Commit bc4f8c07 authored by Marcin Ślusarz's avatar Marcin Ślusarz Committed by Marge Bot
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intel/compiler: inject MUE initialization

Reviewed-by: default avatarCaio Oliveira <>
Part-of: <mesa/mesa!15303>
parent 333a490e
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......@@ -458,6 +458,84 @@ brw_nir_lower_mue_outputs(nir_shader *nir, const struct brw_mue_map *map)
static void
brw_nir_initialize_mue(nir_shader *nir,
const struct brw_mue_map *map,
unsigned dispatch_width)
assert(map->per_primitive_header_size_dw > 0);
nir_builder b;
nir_function_impl *entrypoint = nir_shader_get_entrypoint(nir);
nir_builder_init(&b, entrypoint);
b.cursor = nir_before_block(nir_start_block(entrypoint));
nir_ssa_def *dw_off = nir_imm_int(&b, 0);
nir_ssa_def *zerovec = nir_imm_vec4(&b, 0, 0, 0, 0);
/* TODO(mesh): can we write in bigger batches, generating fewer SENDs? */
const unsigned workgroup_size = nir->info.workgroup_size[0] *
nir->info.workgroup_size[1] *
/* Invocations from a single workgroup will cooperate in zeroing MUE. */
/* How many prims each invocation needs to cover without checking its index? */
unsigned prims_per_inv = map->max_primitives / workgroup_size;
/* Zero first 4 dwords of MUE Primitive Header:
* Reserved, RTAIndex, ViewportIndex, CullPrimitiveMask.
nir_ssa_def *local_invocation_index = nir_load_local_invocation_index(&b);
/* Zero primitive headers distanced by workgroup_size, starting from
* invocation index.
for (unsigned prim_in_inv = 0; prim_in_inv < prims_per_inv; ++prim_in_inv) {
nir_ssa_def *prim = nir_iadd_imm(&b, local_invocation_index,
prim_in_inv * workgroup_size);
nir_store_per_primitive_output(&b, zerovec, prim, dw_off,
.base = (int)map->per_primitive_start_dw,
.write_mask = WRITEMASK_XYZW,
.src_type = nir_type_uint32);
/* How many prims are left? */
unsigned remaining = map->max_primitives % workgroup_size;
if (remaining) {
/* Zero "remaining" primitive headers starting from the last one covered
* by the loop above + workgroup_size.
nir_ssa_def *cmp = nir_ilt(&b, local_invocation_index,
nir_imm_int(&b, remaining));
nir_if *if_stmt = nir_push_if(&b, cmp);
nir_ssa_def *prim = nir_iadd_imm(&b, local_invocation_index,
prims_per_inv * workgroup_size);
nir_store_per_primitive_output(&b, zerovec, prim, dw_off,
.base = (int)map->per_primitive_start_dw,
.write_mask = WRITEMASK_XYZW,
.src_type = nir_type_uint32);
nir_pop_if(&b, if_stmt);
/* If there's more than one subgroup, then we need to wait for all of them
* to finish initialization before we can proceed. Otherwise some subgroups
* may start filling MUE before other finished initializing.
if (workgroup_size > dispatch_width) {
NIR_MEMORY_ACQ_REL, nir_var_shader_out);
static bool
brw_nir_adjust_offset_for_arrayed_indices_instr(nir_builder *b, nir_instr *instr, void *data)
......@@ -554,7 +632,6 @@ brw_compile_mesh(const struct brw_compiler *compiler,
brw_compute_mue_map(nir, &prog_data->map);
NIR_PASS_V(nir, brw_nir_lower_mue_outputs, &prog_data->map);
NIR_PASS_V(nir, brw_nir_adjust_offset_for_arrayed_indices, &prog_data->map);
const unsigned required_dispatch_width =
brw_required_dispatch_width(&nir->info, key->base.subgroup_size_type);
......@@ -570,8 +647,17 @@ brw_compile_mesh(const struct brw_compiler *compiler,
const unsigned dispatch_width = 8 << simd;
nir_shader *shader = nir_shader_clone(mem_ctx, nir);
* When Primitive Header is enabled, we may not generates writes to all
* fields, so let's initialize everything.
if (prog_data->map.per_primitive_header_size_dw > 0)
NIR_PASS_V(shader, brw_nir_initialize_mue, &prog_data->map, dispatch_width);
brw_nir_apply_key(shader, compiler, &key->base, dispatch_width, true /* is_scalar */);
NIR_PASS_V(shader, brw_nir_adjust_offset_for_arrayed_indices, &prog_data->map);
/* Load uniforms can do a better job for constants, so fold before it. */
NIR_PASS_V(shader, nir_opt_constant_folding);
NIR_PASS_V(shader, brw_nir_lower_load_uniforms);
0% Loading or .
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