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  • Ray Strode's avatar
    user: Introduce user templates for setting default session etc · e6dc3b9c
    Ray Strode authored and Ray Strode's avatar Ray Strode committed
    At the moment there's no easy way to set a default session, or
    face icon or whatever for all users.  If a user has never logged in
    before, we just generate their cache file from hardcoded defaults.
    This commit introduces a template system to make it possible for
    admins to set up defaults on their own.
    Admins can write either
    files.  These files follow the same format as
    files, but will support substituting $HOME and $USER to the appropriate
    user specific values.
    User templates also support an additional group [Template] that
    have an additional key EnvironmentFiles that specify a list
    of environment files to load (files with KEY=VALUE pairs in them).
    Any keys listed in those environment files will also get substituted.