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  • Marek Olšák's avatar
    radeonsi: fix small primitive culling with MSAA force-disabled and smoothing · dffc27e5
    Marek Olšák authored
    The problem was that the shader constants were based on the framebuffer
    sample count and ignored the multisample enable state and the line/polygon
    smoothing state, which uses MSAA rasterization that only sets SampleMaskIn
    to get the coverage for alpha-blended smoothing (the PS epilog computes
    the alpha channel from SampleMaskIn and blending generates the AA results).
    - This is a complete rework that adds a new state for NGG cull constants.
    - It fixes the same thing for the prim discard compute shader.
    - It documents how VS_STATE.SMALL_PRIM_PRECISION is encoded.
    It fixes blue corruption in Unigine Heaven with MSAA and Medium details
    or better.
    Fixes: 7648060d
     - radeonsi: enable NGG culling by default on gfx10.3 dGPUs
    Acked-by: default avatarPierre-Eric Pelloux-Prayer <>
    Part-of: <mesa/mesa!8022>