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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit e158292e authored by Keith Whitwell's avatar Keith Whitwell
Browse files

Don't advertise wide lines or points.

parent e9724973
......@@ -473,14 +473,14 @@ viaCreateContext(const __GLcontextModes *mesaVis,
ctx->Const.MinLineWidth = 1.0;
ctx->Const.MinLineWidthAA = 1.0;
ctx->Const.MaxLineWidth = 3.0;
ctx->Const.MaxLineWidthAA = 3.0;
ctx->Const.MaxLineWidth = 1.0;
ctx->Const.MaxLineWidthAA = 1.0;
ctx->Const.LineWidthGranularity = 1.0;
ctx->Const.MinPointSize = 1.0;
ctx->Const.MinPointSizeAA = 1.0;
ctx->Const.MaxPointSize = 3.0;
ctx->Const.MaxPointSizeAA = 3.0;
ctx->Const.MaxPointSize = 1.0;
ctx->Const.MaxPointSizeAA = 1.0;
ctx->Const.PointSizeGranularity = 1.0;
ctx->Driver.GetBufferSize = viaBufferSize;
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