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  • Jiří Klimeš's avatar
    libnm/vlan: default to vlan.flags=REORDER_HDR for new connections (rh #1250225) · 687b6515
    Jiří Klimeš authored
    The kernel defaults REORDER_HDR to 1 when creating a new VLAN, but
    NetworkManager's VLAN flags property defaulted to 0. Thus REORDER_HDR was not
    set for NM-created VLANs with default values.
    We want to match the kernel default, so we change the default value for the
    vlan.flags property. However, we do not want to change the flags for existing
    connections if the property is missing in connection files. Thus we have to
    update plugins for that. We also make sure that vlan.flags is always written
    by 'keyfile' when the value is default. That way new connections have flags
    property explicitly written and it will be loaded as expected.