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device: do not set dependency failed for port if master is reconnecting

Wen Liang requested to merge wl/activate_slave_con_fix into main


device: do not set dependency failed for port if master is reconnecting


When a master is re-enslaved, it will be deactivated and reconnecting
immediately, as a result, we should not set the dependency-failed for
its port. Otherwise, we may risk blocking the autoconnect of port
connections with higher autoconnect-priority.


Please read before opening the merge request. In particular, check that:

  • the subject for all commits is concise and explicative
  • the message for all commits explains the reason for the change
  • the source is properly formatted
  • any relevant documentation is up to date
  • you have added unit tests if applicable

NetworkManager-ci!1473 (merged)

Edited by Filip Pokryvka

Merge request reports
