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nmcli: fix endless loop with --offline --ask

Íñigo Huguet requested to merge ihuguet_ask_offline into main


If --offline and --ask were used at the same time, and endless loop showing the readline's prompt but without waiting for user's input happened.

This was because when using --offline, all arguments are parsed and resolved before running the g_main_loop. In nmc_readline_helper it was checked that the main loop is running, so if g_main_loop_quit is called we can stop waiting for user's input.

Fix this bug by continue polling for user input if the main loop is running or if we are in offline mode. Move offline flag from NmCli to NmcConfig so we can check it from nmc_readline_helper.

Cancelling the user input is still possible both in normal and offline mode with Ctrl+C or Ctrl+D.

Added a test case to verify that this still works after future changes.


Fixes #1306 (closed)


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  • the subject for all commits is concise and explicative
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  • you have added unit tests if applicable
Edited by Wen Liang

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