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  • Dan Williams's avatar
    system-settings: fix PK Authority object lifetimes · f8643cc0
    Dan Williams authored
    It's a singleton, but PolicyKit didn't increment the reference count
    when returning from polkit_authority_get() like we expected (which has
    since been fixed upstream).  So for now, just don't unref the authority
    at all.
    Since we don't do that, there's a chance that some PolicyKit calls could
    be outstanding when either the NMSysconfigSettings object or one of the
    NMSysconfigConnection objects are around, so we make sure we cancel any
    PolicyKit calls when the object gets disposed.  This is tricky, because
    canceling them from the dispose may mean that the callback gets called
    after the object is actually destroyed, so we have to be careful not to
    access any private object data from the callbacks in that situation.