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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    settings: rework tracking settings connections and settings plugins · d35d3c46
    Thomas Haller authored
    Completely rework how settings plugin handle connections and how
    NMSettings tracks the list of connections.
    Previously, settings plugins would return objects of (a subtype of) type
    NMSettingsConnection. The NMSettingsConnection was tightly coupled with
    the settings plugin. That has a lot of downsides.
    Change that. When changing this basic relation how settings connections
    are tracked, everything falls appart. That's why this is a huge change.
    Also, since I have to largely rewrite the settings plugins, I also
    added support for multiple keyfile directories, handle in-memory
    connections only by keyfile plugin and (partly) use copy-on-write NMConnection
    instances. I don't want to spend effort rewriting large parts while
    preserving the old way, that anyway should change. E.g. while rewriting ifcfg-rh,
    I don't want to let it handle in-memory connections because that's not right
    If the settings plugins themself create subtypes ...