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  • Roy Marples's avatar
    DHCP: Support dhcpcd-9.x · a2abd15f
    Roy Marples authored and Thomas Haller's avatar Thomas Haller committed
    This locks NM into dhcpcd-9.3.3 as that is the first version to support
    the --noconfigure option. Older versions are no longer supported by NM
    because they do modify the host which is undesirable.
    Due to the way dhcpcd-9 uses privilege separation and that it re-parents
    itself to PID 1, the main process cannot be reaped or waited for.
    So we rely on dhcpcd correctly cleaning up after itself.
    A new function nm_dhcp_client_stop_watch_child() has been added
    so that dhcpcd can perform similar cleanup to the equivalent stop call.
    As part of this change, the STOP and STOPPED reasons are mapped to
    NM_DHCP_STATE_DONE and PREINIT is mapped to a new state NM_DHCP_STATE_NOOP
    which means NM should just ignore this state.