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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    device: delay startup complete until device is initialized in platform · 6845b9b8
    Thomas Haller authored
    Udev may be slow at startup and it may take a while until the
    device is visible in udev. Before that, there are no pending
    actions yet because the device is still in unmanaged state.
    Hack nm_device_has_pending_action() to indicate a pending action
    when the platform link is not yet initialized.
    We don't bother using nm_device_add_pending_action() to schedule
    a proper pending-action. It is simpler this way, also we precisely
    log about the state of NM_UNMANAGED_PLATFORM_INIT flag. The pending
    actions are implemented in their way mostly for logging purpose to
    understand what blocks a device. For NM_UNMANAGED_PLATFORM_INIT we
    have sufficient logging so no need for the overhead and effort.