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  • Francesco Giudici's avatar
    libnm-core: add ipv6.dhcp-duid property · 7a0b6b17
    Francesco Giudici authored
    allow to specify the DUID to be used int the DHCPv6 client identifier
    option: the dhcp-duid property accepts either a hex string or the
    special values "lease", "llt", "ll", "stable-llt", "stable-ll" and
    "lease": give priority to the DUID available in the lease file if any,
             otherwise fallback to a global default dependant on the dhcp
             client used. This is the default and reflects how the DUID
             was managed previously.
    "ll": enforce generation and use of LL type DUID based on the current
          hardware address.
    "llt": enforce generation and use of LLT type DUID based on the current
           hardware address and a stable time field.
    "stable-ll": enforce generation and use of LL type DUID based on a
                 link layer address derived from the stable id.
    "stable-llt": enforce generation and use of LLT type DUID based on
                  a link layer address and a timestamp both derived from the
                  stable id.